The Offsite Sales Office for Whitehall Reserve is located in Fawn Lake -- 11100 Brandermill Park, Spotsylvania, VA 22551
From I-95:
Take I-95 to Exit 130B Route 3 Plank Road West toward Culpeper. Continue on Route 3 Plank Road for approximately 9.2 miles. Turn left onto Route 621 Orange Plank Road. Continue on Route 621 Orange Plank Road for approximately three miles. Turn left onto Longstreet Drive. Then turn right onto Fawn Lake Parkway. Turn right onto onto Brandermill Park and follow for approx. 1/2 mile to new model home on right located at 11100 Brandermill Park, Spotsylvania, VA
To the Whitehall Reserve Community from I-95:
Take I-95 to Exit 130B Route 3 Plank Road West toward Culpeper. Continue on Route 3 Plank Road for approximately 9.2 miles. Turn left onto Route 621 Orange Plank Road. Take the first left turn onto Herndon Rd. Follow for 1.3 miles turn left onto Whitehall Blvd. Follow through the existing neighborhood to the sign that designates Atlantic Builders homesites.